Customer Experience
It’s vital that your customers have a positive experience when they interact with us. We are committed to delivering consistent, top-notch service which is reflected in our results. Our seasoned team goes beyond just answering inquiries to empower the customer with the necessary information to protect their home:

We take pride in our results as our focus and success is unmatched in the industry.
*BenchmarkPortal Call Center of Excellence Certification, 2025. BenchmarkPortal is the Industry Leader in Contact Center Benchmarking, Certification, Training, Assessments, Industry Reports, and Custom Consulting.
**The Stevies recognize outstanding performances in the workplace worldwide. Winners are determined by the average scores of more than 150 professionals worldwide in seven specialized judging committees.
Contact Us
To learn more about how National General Lender Services can protect your portfolio, contact us at 1-800-225-8178.